

Wednesday, 29.05.2024

ZB MED at the EAHIL Conference

The European Association for Health Information and Libraries will meet in Riga from 11 to 14 June 2024. The motto of the conference: "Small Step and a Giant Leap: Reorienting Towards a New Environment". Experts from the PUBLISSO team will be contributing to the conference programme:

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The library community will meet in Hamburg from 4 to 7 June 2024 under the motto "open. local. global". The experts from ZB MED are represented with German contributions in the conference programme:

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The ZB MED Annual Report 2023 is out.

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ZB MED search portal LIVIVO makes retracted publications clearly visible

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Whether in cancer or dementia research - in many areas of medicine, digital health data holds great potential for improving patient care. This is also the view of the legislator. The German parliament passed the Health Data Utilisation Act (GDNG) in December. It aims to link healthcare and research…

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